
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Snap Out of It! (Rifftrax Shorts)

Rifftrax Year:  2009
Riffers:  Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett

Snap Out of It is the powerful tale of a teenage boy who is unhappy with the grades given to him, so he pouts about it and is sent to the principal's office.  There he is told to keep his emotions in check and to shoot for goals but keep expectations realistic.

This short is a companion piece to Act Your Age to try and keep over-emotional teenagers in check and prevent them from getting pissy.  I highly doubt it worked, though it's a swell moral.  I can't complain or talk too much about this short because it's pretty self explanatory.

The riffing is fairly on target for the most part.  There are a few dry patches, though when Mike, Kevin, and Bill get a good hit on this thing you'll throw your head back and laugh.  Jokes range on the lead's whineyness, his failing grades ("I got a 'D' in Male Sexuality!"), and the overall dated presentation of the short.  Snap Out of It is a solid belly laugh short.

Thumbs Up

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