
Sunday, April 14, 2019

DEATHGASM (The Last Drive-In)

Film Year:  2015
Genre:  Comedy, Horror
Director:  Jason Lei Howden
Starring:  Milo Cawthorne, James Blake, Kimberley Crossman, Sam Berkley, Daniel Cresswell

The Movie

Folks, this is motherfucking DEATHGASM, all caps because "Lowercase is for pussies."  If you ever wondered what if Evil Dead and Diary of a Wimpy Kid had a demonic love child that listened to a lot of heavy metal once it hit puberty, it's this movie.  This film has a student heavy metal band named DEATHGASM accidentally playing music that opens the gates of hell and unleashes demons to possess their entire town.  Since Bruce Campbell isn't around, they have to fend off these demons themselves.

DEATHGASM is obviously an homage to the crazy gorefest work of Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson's early careers, and infuses it with a love for metal.  The film stars former Power Rangers Milo Cawthorne and Kimberley Crossman as the main couple of the film, but unfortunately they left their Power Morphers at home and weren't able to combat the demons with their zords.  But imagine what THAT movie would have been!

But what's here is a very gooey movie with a lot of blood coming out of every orifice (and I mean every), with a lot of humor to let the audience know this is all good fun.  It's one of the few films that attempts to kill demons with dildos and vibrators (and honestly, death by sex toy is how I personally want to go), and there is a pretty hilarious gag early on where chief bad guy isn't happy with a beheading, so he has his lackeys put the head back on and do it again.  If you love "fuck it, we're going balls to the wall" in your horror comedy, DEATHGASM probably needs to hit your TV at least once.

Probably the one dealbreaker might be whether you're into heavy metal music or not.  I'm not a huge metalhead myself, which I think is holding me back from genuinely loving this film.  But I imagine horror and metal walk hand-in-hand, so I'm probably a minority.  Those who love it will need to see this movie at some point.

The Drive-In

The Drive-In Totals are insane tonight, and hearing Joe Bob describe what's going to happen in this movie makes one think to oneself "He's got to be exaggerating."  But he isn't.  This movie genuinely has "Rubber Dildo and Anal Beads Fu."  This has to be Joe Bob's dream film, because it's so much of what he loves to share on this show.

A lot of Joe Bob's commentary falls back on New Zealand tidbits, where it was filmed, probably because a lot of the crew on this film hasn't made another major movie.  He does point out the Power Rangers cast and asks what is up with Power Rangers and this movie.  Well, if I may answer that, New Zealand has been the filming location for Power Rangers' English footage for about fifteen years, so a sizable amount of young New Zealand actors have a link to the franchise.

All of this and some rants as well.  His opening this week is about how douchey a car the Tessla is, and it's pretty hilarious (and remember, the most important question when looking for a car is "Does this car kick ass?").  He and Darcy briefly get into a shade match about veganism ("You don't eat meat?  That's so fucking California!").  Joe Bob also holds back on some trivia because some rando might prove him wrong because "People just love to make me look like an idiot."  Joe Bob isn't perfect, but without him I might not have watched DEATHGASM, so I love him anyway.

The cherry on top of this episode is a phone call Joe Bob makes to Sleepaway Camp actress Felissa Rose, because they watch a zombie penis get chopped off by a weedwhacker in this movie and he wants the "expert on mutilated dicks."  It's an absurd moment that compliments an absurd movie.

Joe Bob's Rating

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