
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Funny or Die: Leaked Star Wars Auditions with the Bots from MST3K (MST3K Special)

In 2015, one of the greatest franchises of all time was rebooted.  That franchise was Mystery Science Theater 3000, which had fundraised over $6 million to create a new season of episodes.  Also a Star Wars movie came out.  I don't really care about that one.

This two minute sketch was created by the wildly popular website Funny or Die, which specializes in short skits/viral videos that sometimes pander to certain fanbases.  In this one, Tom Servo and Crow both audition for the role of BB-8 in Star Wars:  Episode VII - The Force Awakens.  Each one of them doesn't seem to understand the concept of a beeping droid and is slightly insulted by the concept.

I do have an internal debate on whether or not this has enough content to properly review, as it's just a hit and run joke clip.  But as prominent as Funny or Die is in our internet culture, I feel like it's difficult to overlook the fact that they featured an entire "story" around Servo and Crow.  Also, this sketch was made in cooperation with the Bring Back MST3K campaign, and Funny or Die's popularity undoubtedly brought a few bucks in that direction.  I'm sure for more than a few people, this was their first subjection to Servo and Crow, thinking to themselves "Who are these funny little robots?  I like 'em!"

More importantly, this was probably our first good look at Baron Vaughn and Hampton Yaunt as the dynamic duo of Servo and Crow.  We had heard their new takes on the characters in the Kickstarter Bumpers, but they were mostly slaves to what Joel was trying to sell.  Here, they're given a chance to just cut loose and do something silly, and I'll say it's greatly impressive.  Hampton, in particular, is on fire the entire sketch, from his introduction as "Crow T. Robot, Non-Union" to demanding "Which one of you is George Lucas?  Is it you?  Oh, sorry ma'am."  Baron's Servo has a great streak of beeping before concluding "We don't all beep, you know?"

This is one of the few times Baron and Hampton were showcased with traditional Servo and Crow puppets from the original series, as the bots hadn't seen their revamped models with working arms yet.  But even without the extra articulation, Baron and Hampton are able to show off that our favorite puppets are in safe hands.  This Funny or Die sketch is a winner, and it won't take too much time out of your life.

Unlike this review, which likely took longer to read than the sketch takes to watch.

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