
Monday, February 21, 2022

Eggs to Market (RiffTrax Shorts)

RiffTrax Year:  2011
Riffers:  Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett

"An egg farm like this one..."
"...hides many a dead body."

What came first?  The Chicken of Tomorrow or the Egg of Today?  Answers will not be found here, which shows us the many steps of an egg farm, how much machinery laid off a good work force, and how it eventually reaches market so you can have your fancy pants poached egg.

Full disclosure, I hate eggs.  They're odd textured, have a gag-inducing smell, and just in general are an edible abortion on the breakfast table.  Uncracked eggs though are oddly cute.  Just little round simple white lumps that roll quite easily, can be dyed Easter colors, or put little trousers on and make them up to look like Don Rickles.  Eggs.  I don't get them but here they are.  This short is a fair look into the farming techniques it takes to get them from chicken to you, which is oddly simple and complicated at the same time.

"Oh yeah.  Right between the crack.  We know it's bad but that's the way I like it!"
"Who are you voicing there Bill?"
" know...the collective eggs...they're kinda...perv..."

Eggs to Market is a simple little delight.  The short is mostly comprised of eggs rolling from one machine to another and Mike, Kevin, and Bill, like the eggs themselves, just roll with it.  There are plenty of jokes targeting chickens, eggs, and the gizmos that make up an egg farm, pointing out that something as simple as a suction cup puts dozens of people out of work.  There are jabs at the mundaneness of the subject matter being set to the tune of playful music and how odd the whole thing feels, which compliments the short quite well because it does boil down to being a bunch of eggs being stared at.  But staring at eggs has never been this much fun.

Thumbs Up

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