
Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Adventures of Chip and Dip (RiffTrax Shorts)

RiffTrax Year:  2022
Riffers: Bridget Nelson, Mary Jo Pehl

Of the four food groups there is one food that reigns supreme, and if you guessed vegetables, you're wrong.  Close, because it's made from vegetables anyway, just fried and a shit ton of salt added to it.  I'm of course referring to the potato chip, mankind's ultimate culinary creation!  Today we join a pair of leprechauns named Chip and Dip as they look into how chips are made and the many various dishes one can prepare with the addition of the very diverse potato chip!

And if you're guessing this short was produced by some sort of potato chip counsel, of course it was.

One might think I'm embellishing for comedic effect in that first paragraph, but this is literally the message that this short wants us to take away.  This is a short that is so full of shit that it starts out with the completely made-up history of potato chips being invented by Native Americans who have Irish accents for some reason and evolves into the short trying to explain to us how potato chips are the healthiest food you can ingest, because they're full of energy and have all the salt your body needs.  I can feel my IQ lowering by the second say arteries harden.

All of this nonsense is mostly just to set up a series of recipes created for the specific use of potato chips, including a variety of dips and even main course meals.  Some of which look appetizing, while a lot look disgusting.  A lot of these meals might have been hearty and creative back in the day, but in a world of organic options, vegan entrees, calorie counting, and gluten free diets, very few of these look like they were meant to feed to someone with health standards.  My vote for vomit on a plate goes to...

"Chip 'n' Chicken Spaghetti Loaf!"
"Just let those four words sink in."

Bridget and Mary Jo seemed shocked and appalled by what they're seeing, and who can blame them?  This short is a nightmare of churning a bunch of crap in a blender and seeing what pops out.  When the meals are being prepped a lot of the comedy revolves around their reaction shots of disgust, while a good portion of the potato chip farming relies on tepid industrial curiosity and traditional ribbing.  High marks go to Bridget's dig at giant crates of potatoes about to be turned into chips as she quips "It's Frank Conniff's Disneyworld!"  This unappetizing short is made delicious by our two lady jesters, which was no easy feat.

Thumbs Up

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