
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Color It Clean (RiffTrax Shorts)

RiffTrax Year:  2014
Riffers:  Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett

You dirty, dirty people.  Think of the janitors!  They work so hard to clean up after you and you can't even make sure you're aiming correctly when your swinging your you-know-what around when you make tinkle.  With this short we watch a janitor do his nightly routine in a bathroom while narrative voices explain that janitorial work is no easy job and how only certain people have the skills required to be one.  They also say this from their cushy offices where they make ten times the salary that a janitor makes.

I'm under the assumption that this is a janitorial training film, or something similar.  It might be a sort of propaganda piece that employers might show janitors to let them know how much they "appreciate" them before continue life ignoring everything they do.  Whatever Color It Clean is, it's boring.  It's twenty minutes of watching a guy wipe stalls while bored people drone on and on about what janitors do.  I even have doubts that this bathroom needed cleaning at all since it looks all nice and sparkly when the janitor first walks in and looks exactly the same when he leaves.

Look, all I know for sure is that it's called "Color It Clean" but for some reason the print seen is very brown and dirty.

It's a pretty dull short and while the riffing is somewhat enthused as a counterbalance, it isn't enough.  Color It Clean is slow and tedious, and while several of the jokes hit the target (unlike most of us when we hit the urinal) it's not enough to rouse interest in this short.  Some of the more successful jokes involve Kevin wondering why the camera operator would leave the camera on a bathroom floor, Mike's shock at hearing about janitors "swing," and the line "Hey!  Where's the dirty rhyming graffiti?  What kind of bathroom is this?"  These all get laughs, but they aren't enough to clean house.  I guess we'll have to call a janitor for that.

Thumbs Down

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